Transformation Is Not MASTERY ...

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Designing training and coaching that leads to real world mastery, and making it accessible 


Creating and providing world-class training, coaching and consulting is not something new to us, we’ve been at for more than three decades. Since 1990 our team of master trainers, coaches and consultants, led by Dr. Joseph Riggio, developer of the MythoSelf Process, SomaSemantics and ACT | Adaptive Cognitive Training, has worked with individuals and organizations internationally.  
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Take Control of how you learn & progress ...

We've been leading people into and beyond the rabbit hole of conformity for decades, and know every twist and turn, nook and cranny ...
In that time we've become masters at stalking reality and discovering how to blend in with it ... and bend or break it 's when useful too.
Now, it's all up to you ... explore the options available, and decide on the path that best suits you now.

Beyond Transformation Lies ... MASTERY!

ABTI Private Work™
(escape the Matrix)

Every Certified MythoSelf™ Facilitator, Master Facilitator, Trainer and Master Trainer has the expertise to develop bespoke, custom coaching consulting, mentoring  and private advisement uniquely designed to serve you, find our more ...

MasterMind Groups
(explore the Matrix)

Our MasterMind groups and  programs are all led by Licensed and Certified Mythoself™ Trainers and Master Trainers, and based on our proprietary models, incorporating our unique ACT | Adaptive Cognitive Training model ...

Courses & Programs
(master the Matrix)

We've been developing and leading training for over thirty years, in more than fifty countries, translated into ten languages, all designed to provide you with  transformational change that leads to mastery and elite performance ... 

Experience Our Training

Get a free sneak peak into one of our live training programs,
Generative Flow, with Col. Al Ridenhour and Joseph Riggio ... 
Lifting the Veil
  • Video 1: Time for Choice
  • Video 2: Moving Through Time

Explore our new fascinating courses


What a few of our learners say about us ...

“With his direct and candid style Dr. Riggio get right to the core of what is essential for you. This combined with his decades of experience and excellent business acumen, makes him the consultant and educator of choice for business professionals who are serious about developing their effectiveness as leaders. When your time is of importance, Dr. Riggio will deliver the agreed outcomes that matters, faster and with elegancy”
Keith Svendsen, CEO APM Terminals
“Getting to outstanding results: The brilliant thing about Joseph is that he masters dialog. On our own, we can all achieve better results. Become a better leader, be a better communicator or get a promotion. Better… But if you want to do different and achieve outstanding results for yourself or your organization, none of us can do it alone. We have an internal dialog that keeps the things we want most at a distance. What you want is someone who can take you through the steps of changing that internal dialog in a way that lets you bring those results from “out there” to “in here”. Someone who can help you quickly get to grips of what you need to do – or not do, to get to outstanding results. Joseph has lifted my team and I to a new level in a very short space of time. The results we are achieving now are blowing me away.”
Erik Micheelsen, Founder Innovation Embassy
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Frequently asked questions

What Are Your Programs Like?

Without being too clever or cute, for the most part like nothing you're likely to have experienced before. We build our programs to go beyond learning to create and install experience directly in a way that gives you instant and effortless access to what you need and want from the time you invest with us. Expect to laugh, be confused, frustrated, delighted and thrilled ... sometimes all at once.

What We Do That Makes What We Do Different?

We call what we do "Learning By Being." Our approach goes beyond ordinary training or coaching that works with how you think and what you do, to making how you know yourself to be yourself present in a way that's palpable, and to expose how you relate to the world and others around you obvious. We use an aesthetically oriented methodology that we've been developing and refining for more than thirty years that organizes and shapes direct sensory experience to help you reshape your perceptions leading to new distinctions and opening the possibility to making new decisions that create the outcomes you most desire. 

How Can I Choose The Best Way To Begin?

Simple, let us help you. We always offer our coaching clients complimentary strategy consulting sessions, and we don't necessarily limit them to just one either. We'll spend whatever time we need to make sure that we get it right ... what you want to achieve in working with us, whether or not we're the best choice to provide that for you, how we'll be working together if we decide it makes sense for us both you and us, and only then will be ask you if you think the timing is right for you to begin, but of course whether you say "YES" or "NO" in that moment you'll already have the clarity you need to know you've made the best decision for yourself, and either way we'll walk away friends, and we'll always be here for when the time is right for you too. 

Which Course Or Program Of  Yours Should I Join?

Okay, we'll share our deepest secret with you, they're all based on just one trick ... how to be yourself. Now we know that didn't exactly answer your question, but it's really the first decision you need to make before you go any further ... "Are you ready to go beyond teaching, training and techniques and explore who you are so you can choose who you're becoming?" ... only when you answer that positively would it make any sense for you to pursue training with us at all. Then, after you're said "YES!" to yourself decide what else you're after ... personal mastery to translate your decisions into meaningful action ... profound leadership presence ... world-class communication skills ... or, maybe you want to explore going all the way and chat with us about what MythoSelf Process certification training is like ... regardless of what you choose now we'll deliver the goods, just like we have for more than thirty years ... and we can almost guarantee your first time won't be your last time.